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本公司以負責的企業經營態度締造出眾口皆碑的優良品質,我們不以現有成就為滿足,我們亦不斷引進新的新產品以符合社會需求。 本公司所有同仁均合作無間就像一家人般擁有良好的共事氣氛,每位同仁皆認真負責,俾使能將最佳品質的專業服務提供給業主,所以本公司也相當重視及感謝所有同仁的付出。
嶄新的公司,經驗的團隊』便是渥達數位(Odyssey Technology Inc.)的最佳寫照。一群資訊規劃經驗超過10年的銷售人員、以及系統與網路整合建置經歷平均超過5年的技術專才共同合作,為了開創自己的事業而一起打拼,於2009年成立了渥達數位,以全新的氣象提供客戶最新、最好的IT系統整合服務。 在IT的世界中,技術被不斷的推陳出新,每隔3~6個月總有新的產品問世。身為企業管理階層、MIS資訊人員及SI廠商的我們,每次都要面對全新的產品功能和大量的技術文件,可說是辛苦萬分,時刻不敢輕忽及怠惰,但也總在通過考驗、順利讓新功能上線服務時感受到無比的欣慰。 這樣的情景,就像是古希臘詩人荷馬著名的奧德賽(Odyssey)詩中所描述的狀況一樣;主人翁奧德修斯(Odysseus)在伴隨特洛伊(Troy)征戰10年後展開回歸故里的路途上,每每受到海神波賽頓的刁難、頻頻身歷險境,但也總能化險為夷,最後終於順利回到家鄉與親人團聚。 渥達團隊的豐富經驗代表了渥達能夠深刻地了解客戶的需求,並且感同身受的體會客戶的痛苦及問題。而就如同公司的英文名字Odyssey一樣,渥達也希望與客戶共同走過資訊產業的挑戰歷程,並肩解決問題及困難,然後再一起享受豐盛的成果。 渥達的經營團隊過去在網路建置、資訊安全與企業虛擬化市場上深耕多年,銷售規劃能力與工程建置服務均深獲如Cisco、Citrix、HP等原廠的肯定。展望未來,渥達希望能夠持續掌握最新技術,並以企業資訊架構虛擬化的專家(Virtualization Expert)為目標,期待與客戶一同迎接IT雲端架構的變化和優勢。 除了虛擬化架構服務之外,渥達擅長的IT解決方案主要還包括通訊協同合作(UC;Collaboration)、資訊安全(Security)、資料保護與災難備援 (Disaster Recovery;DR)、以及儲存設備(Storage)等等。
網城工作室於民國 100 年 1 月 1 日成立,成立後致力於智慧型手機軟體開發。 更多請參考網城工作室網站 http://www.tmncs.com/ 有任何疑問可寄到本公司信箱 [email protected]
Contrarian Group 為一橫跨航運、物流、後勤、和海運之跨國企業,於亞洲尋求充滿活力、知識豐富之職員。我們尋求對於近東、中東、與遠東物流和全球物流有豐富經驗的職員。 我們需要職員分析現行物流、航運之流程,同時為我們的客戶研擬商品物流策略和方法,以滿足他們於此地區的需求。 A multi-national company that provides shipping, logistics and maritime services is looking for energetic, knowledgeable candidates to expand its footprint in the Asian market. The ideal candidate would have current experience in Near and Middle East, East Asia and world-wide shipping. Responsibilities include providing analysis of current processes to develop strategies that meet our clients requirements for a wide range of services sourced from within the region. Expertise in one or more of the following areas is preferred: - Port security personnel - Inspections - Database management - Shipping managers - Customs enforcement - Logistics coordinators - Disaster recovery systems and plans - Data backup services and management - Analysis - Communication technology and IDS - Operating systems and platforms - Documentation Managers - Sales managers - Freight forwarding If you are interested, please email your resume and contact details to [email protected]
CBL Data Recovery 是一家專業的國際性資料修復公司,總公司設於加拿大,於世界各大城市設有分公司。
台灣近年來積極發展綠能產業,日照充足的南部地區,得天獨厚擁有全台灣日照時間最長的條件,最適合發展太陽能光電,再加上太陽能電池研發技術已將成本大幅降低,成為南部率先實施日光屋頂計畫的幕後推手。南部區域以透天建築開發為主,頂層防水與隔熱需求成為基本條件,太陽能光電系統除可符合住家需求、減少違建還能增加住戶收益。目前高雄申設太陽能光電案量為全台第一,依照經濟部能源局最新統計,101年1月至10月底高雄市太陽光電設施備案計有195案通過,占全國申請數五分之一,而且申請案件數持續成長中。   鴻陽太陽能系統有限公司(Homerun)為太陽能面板相關產品設計與專業經銷企業,不僅品質良好,更提供產品安裝與售後服務;擁有專業的團隊,提供太陽能光電產品更穩定之發揮與應用。近年由於能源危機與環保意識的覺醒,再生能源之發展成為全球共同關注的焦點,且為響應政府節能減碳及發展再生能源政策,『環保節能』更是各方亟欲發展的目標。太陽能發電除了可減少能源供應短缺的壓力,更是取之不竭、用之不盡,能達到有效再利用。尤其西元2005年後,由於德國等環保先進國家新建築法規的因素,世人注意到太陽能發電,甚至有了『綠建築』的概念,因此太陽能變成了不可或缺的永續能源。   鴻陽以此信念亟欲打造一個無汙染的大環境,初期將以南台灣為提供服務的主要市場。以高屏地區來說,擁有良好的日照優勢,太陽能面板的使用範圍非常廣泛;不單能為屋頂隔熱,亦能將儲存熱源轉為電能,降低家庭用電成本;安裝成本實惠,再加上政府補貼與台電收購金,『開源』、『節流』雙管齊下,達到多贏的經濟效益。除此之外,鴻陽更以打造『綠能城市』為目標,推廣「環保4R概念」:Reduce(減量)、Reuse(重複利用)、Recycle(循環再造)、Recovery(能源代替),望提升南台灣生活品質,致力推動太陽能產品的普及化。
Citi Venture Capital main business scope of the fund equity investment fund distribution and management, equity acquisitions. In the energy and environmental protection, sports industry, financial services, transportation logistics and related industries, healthcare, retail and FMCG, real estate, construction, machinery manufacturing, new chemical materials, textile clothing, household appliances it, mineral metallurgy, agriculture and public utilities professional investment team 13 fields have long-term research, and investment tracking. Citi Venture Capital after the fund has a professional team of investment services, has a professional team, including senior financial experts Fund program designers, mergers and acquisitions investment management division, asset management planners, business management experts, legal advisers and other professional team. In order to be able to in a broader range of services to more customers. Meanwhile, Citi Venture Capital Inc. actively introduce cooperation agencies, including banks, trust companies, security companies, wealth management companies and other financial institutions, also including accounting firms, law firms, companies and other third-party asset evaluation agencies; Citi Venture Capital to encourage domestic and foreign equity investment bank added in the form of direct investment, provide vast resources and financial support to fund the equity issue, the effort to build a comprehensive asset management institutions. Citi Venture Capital Inc. convergence fund investment philosophy of Taiwan wisdom and Europe will be able to make our wealth and increase the value. Only wealth preservation and appreciation to be able to permanently benefit of mankind. Therefore, talent is our fundamental, is our core competence and core competitive advantage is the preservation and appreciation of the fundamental, but also the root of this legislation we Citi Venture Capital. Citi Venture Capital has a huge fund of experience in human resources and investment services for many years, providing customers with diversified services. To provide investors with a high quality investment information services. We have excellent management team, a sound service system. The research team from several well-known practitioners of the composition of investment institutions, has a wealth of investment experience, able to accurately grasp the current market dynamics and provide customers with the latest accurate investment goods. With a wealth of experience in domestic and foreign investment, strong market analysis capabilities, a unique operational thinking, ahead of the vision, the international advanced mode of investment goods with domestic investment goods, leaving the development of customer acceptance of the equity investment in commodities on the development path of Taiwan equity investment industry has taken an important step forward.
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